Njoud Binsalman's profile

Ultra video Downloader

Inspiration for the Application
Think of a time you were scrolling through your twitter feed, or Instagram feed, or even good old YouTube. You come across a very intriguing video but as expected there’s no download icon. So, you have to savor the video for those few minutes then move on. You try to find app versions online that can capture this link and download the file you desire. You realize it is possible to find such but as standalone versions.
How nice is it when you can have one app that clears all this trouble for you? You can open any of your favorite social media sites from within the app and there’s a ready download button whenever you come across a video you would like to keep for future reference, whether it is in Instagram, Facebook, Whats App, YouTube, etc.

Application definition statement


App style Guide


Heading: Britannic gold, 22 pt (white)                
Copy: Britannic gold , 16 pt (white)
Names: Britannic gold, Italic, 12 pt (Black)

lapid blue
cornflower blue
lapis blue
bright pink

Business Model
In-app purchases
As mentioned above, sometimes app developers have a hard time selling paid apps. In this respect, some developers found a loop hole where they offer the apps for free but then offer options with which they can use to make money later on. A good example is when they offer the provision by which users can opt out of advertisements at a fee.

The app is likely to generate growing revenue
It becomes possible to obtain high risk from low risk monetization
It is possible to make digital upgrades at no effect to storage and/or maintenance
The upfront investment is more likely to make the users more loyal
Paying customers are definitely more active compared to their counterparts
Many will always assume that in app payments mean better quality.

App icons
Notification, download and download rate icons

Find the app prototype embedded below:
Ultra video Downloader

Ultra video Downloader
